We’ve got a nut!

A couple days ago I tried to put Lacey down for a nap. She usually takes a nap about 3 times a week now, but I still give her a chance to nap every day. On this particular day I laid her down and heard her talking, playing, and screaming like she usually does. After about 20 minutes, she started screaming “I stuck in here!” over and over!  I decided to check it out. I thought maybe she crawled under her little toddler bed and got her head stuck (she did that one time a while ago). I walked in and I couldn’t see her. She was quiet at this point, so I began to look around. She had taken all the clothes out of her closet and thrown them on the ground (as usual), but there was still something on the shelf … Lacey!
She was laying there stuck on the shelf!
Well, yesterday we skipped naps because of church, but today I tried to get her down for a nap again. She screamed and screamed, and I went in about a million times to get her off the shelf and put her back in bed. Finally it was quiet, I poked my head in to check on her, and she wasn’t on the floor or in her bed… she had fallen asleep on the shelf! Great! Now I had to decide whether I move her (which would probably wake her up), or take the chance of her falling off the shelf and getting hurt. So I decided to move her and of course she woke up, but quickly fell back to sleep in my arms. As soon as I laid her down she woke up but I decided to let her scream and see if she would go back to sleep. Not too long after, it was quiet again. Again I poked my head in, guess where she had fallen asleep? ON THE SHELF!!! You’ve got to be kidding me! Well, I turned a movie on for Jackson, gave him a couple cookies and milk, and I decided the girl needed sleep since she didn’t sleep Saturday or Sunday. So she slept on the shelf while I sat by her to catch her when she fell…which she did about 20 minutes later, and she wasn’t too happy because it woke her up! I caught her, sat with her until she fell back to sleep, then laid her back in bed, and she woke up! Dang! So we went out and watched the movie with Jackson… so much for nap time!  What a funny girl… she is so full of her own personality and ideas! Her favorite phrase right now is “I DO IT!” (forcefully) and “I DID IT!”


She doesn’t let Jackson get away with anything.


Here she displays her eye shadow done with washable markers.

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