Swim Lessons

Jackson is on his second round of swim lessons. He absolutely loves swimming. I took him swimming yesterday and he showed me all of his tricks. I can give him a noodle and he hangs on and goes where he wants. He also likes to play a game where I send him to the bottom of the pool and he pushes off from the bottom to go back up. He also did his monkey walk around the entire pool.

I’m glad we have a pool here but it seems like I haven’t had much time to enjoy it yet and the water is already 88-90 degrees. I’ve spent more time trying to figure out how to keep the darn thing clean and algae free. I think I’ve finally figured it out…after spending over $100 at Leslie’s this week!

4 thoughts on “Swim Lessons

  1. Oh my goodness…Jackson looks like a pro swimmer going in for a dive. What a brave boy. Brechin and Carter aren’t near that brave with the pool. Maybe by the end of the summer but I doubt it. Kelman is MY little fish.

  2. So glad you got to see so much on your quick visit to DC. Sorry about the hotel snafu! Jackson is such an athletic little boy. I am not surprise he has become such a swimmer – going down to the bottom of the pool? Oh my goodness!!

  3. It is a shallow pool – about 4ft. We went again last night and we were in there for well over an hour and he didn’t want to get out.

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