President and Sister Turk

Today was the Turks’ farewell. It was so nice to be there and hear their talks and testimonies. I was so glad to be there. I had sharing time today in my ward about the Holy Ghost, and as I was preparing I kept thinking I would pick up a few things from their talks that I could share. They were great and inspiration came to me as I listened to them.

Tonight we went over to the Ashby’s and had a “tie and ice cream” party for them and said our “see ya laters” and “Good lucks”! After I came home tonight and got through the craziness of bedtime, I was able to sit quietly with Rachelle and think a little. I have so many great memories with the Turks all throughout my life, but especially from when I was in elementary school. I loved being called Sarah “Dean” when I was at their house, and playing games, making movies or tapes, and doing fun science experiments. Life was always fun and exciting at the Turks house (at least until bedtime ;o) I am grateful to them for the great examples they have always been to me!

I am so excited for the missionaries in Peru – they get the BEST of the best! We’ll miss you, but we know you’ll be great!

We love the Turks!