Memorial Day Weekend 2

The weather was crazy last week. Monday and Tuesday were record highs for May. I think we got up to 110 on Tuesday. By Thursday and Friday we were almost to record lows with highs in the 60’s!!!! Plus a good amount of rain. Thursday night we had the missionaries over for dinner and I had ridden my bike to work that day. They called Sarah to see if we could pick them up since it was raining and they didn’t want to ride their bikes. It didn’t seem to be raining much so I started riding home and was going slowly trying not to splash water on myself from the puddles. Halfway home it started to downpour and I was soaked. I decided to just book it home since I was running late. I changed my clothes and picked the missionaries up.

After dinner we put them to work. They helped us put Jackson’s new big boy bed together. We got him a bunk bed (top bunk is stored away for Lacey to use in a couple years). Here is a picture of Jackson doing a rain dance.

One thought on “Memorial Day Weekend 2

  1. Hey, Sarah. This may seem weird, ok, it is weird, but I was blog surfing and clicked on this link and couldn’t believe it. Can you remember back to your Franklin days? Do you remember when your best friends were Mandy and Aimee? Well, this is Aimee (Lussier) Yates. I hope this doesn’t freak you out. Your kids are so beautiful! Your son looks a lot like you.

    I know it’s been A LOT of years, but sometimes it’s fun to hear a “hi” from those of days gone by.

    Feel free to check out my blog, too. 🙂

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