Life is good!

Sometimes when I stop and watch my kids playing, I can’t believe how old they are getting! How do they grow up so fast?

A few things I’ve been meaning to post about lately…

Rachelle is getting so big! She’s 7 months old. For about the past 6 weeks or so, when I walk into her room after a nap this is what she is doing

She pulls herself up to stand everywhere and she is crawling like crazy – This girl is a mover! She is so much fun – I love being with my sweet little Rachelle.

Lacey has started a tap/ballet/tumbling class and is LOVING it! She has a great instructor, Jennifer.  She loves her dance shirt (her leotard) and tap and ballet shoes! Its the best to see how happy she is with herself at the end of each class.  Its been fun to watch and I’ve met some nice moms who want our class to do everything together! We’ve got future class plans and park play date plans for when the weather will cool down (maybe this week).

Lacey is dying to be in preschool. I’m kicking myself for not putting her in but I’ll just have to start doing a little teaching myself this year I guess. I may start looking for some kind of learning class she can do just 1 time a week.

Jackson is a big helper and always tells me how much he loves Rachelle. He feeds her and occasionally gives her a bottle for dad. He is so kind and will almost always stop to make her laugh or smile.

He loves preschool! Its been funny this year when I ask him what they did at school when I pick him up he says,  “I don’t know,” or “Not yet, I’ll tell you at home,” or “I can’t remember.” Last year he would tell me almost everything.  The other day, Jackson had a smarties in his hand after school and he told me he and one other classmate were the only ones in class that got them. His teacher was standing right there and explained that she had asked the class to stay sitting in a circle in the room while she went to hide a stuffed animal out in the yard for their activity. I guess while she was gone, some of the kids decided it would be funny to hide under the table. Well, when she came back Jackson and the other child were sitting where they were asked to stay and the others were under the table, so she said she decided to give a little positive reinforcement to those who followed her instructions. Wow – I was impressed. Some things that make me laugh…Lately Jackson’s been saying to me, ” Mom – I’m always right, you’re wrong,”  and when he’s telling a story he’s excited about he says, ” and guess what?” at the beginning of almost every sentence. One of his favorite things he learned lately is to pump his legs on a swing!  A few times a day he’ll run out there and jump on the swing. It makes him so happy to do it all by himself!

Last week I made giant cupcake for Ashlyn’s baptism. It was the perfect excuse to try out some marshmallow fondant. I had a blast! I tried a few different things. Now that I have an idea of how it works, I’m excited to mess around with it in the future to get a little better.

I love my sweet kids and husband. Life really is good. There is so much to be thankful for!

3 thoughts on “Life is good!

  1. It has been fun hanging out with your kids this year! Thanks for letting me come over and hang out while James is at school!

  2. So fun to see how big the kids have grown in a few short months since we saw you last! Lacey looks super-adorable in her ballet stuff. Asher is taking ballet this year too (his idea)…..

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