First Family Campout

Last weekend our ward had a camp out at Roosevelt Lake. We debated whether or not it would be a good idea to go with little kids but Friday morning Sarah got a burst of spontaneity and said “We’re going!” She spent the rest of the day packing us up for our first camping adventure with kids or even as a couple (kind of sad, huh). I got home from work as early as possible, we stopped off at Burger King for dinner and made it to the campsite as it was getting dark. Thanks to the Runyans for the tent they gave us a few years ago.

Looking over Roosevelt Lake

Jackson love roasting marshmallows. He wasn’t a huge fan of SMORES but he sure loved holding marshmallows over the fire to watch them burn. We then watched WALL-E under the stars on a big screen while Jackson collected big rocks and piled them on our blanket and took a couple breaks to check out the fire again and finish off the marshmallows.

The kids did surprisingly well through the night. Lacey slept in a pack’n’play in the van and Jackson stayed in the tent with us. It took him a while to settle down from his sugar high but he eventually fell asleep. The next day we played for a bit, packed up and visited some nearby ancient cliff dwellings and came home.

25lb baby gets heavy climbing uphill

Let’s go camping again soon!

9 thoughts on “First Family Campout

  1. How fun!! Good job! It’s so fun to do things like this sometimes. Good idea leaving Lacey in the van. Love the blog’s new look, by the way.

  2. That looks fun….we keep saying we need to take Mackenzie camping…thanks for the inspiration!!

  3. How fun!! I miss camping! We haven’t been able to go bc of our little guy but maybe I should be more like you guys and just do it. 🙂

  4. I haven’t been to Roosevelt Lake forever.

    I like the look of your blog. It is clean and easy to read.

    Sarah, thanks for the information on celiac. The more I learn , the less overwhelming it is. I’ll be sure to check out the blog.

  5. That sounds like so much fun. We’re going to have to go this summer; it’s been quite a while. And I can’t believe Jackson didn’t like S’mores!

  6. Fun Times! You can come camping with us – it would be a blast! The thing about camping with littles, is ya gotta be able to get them clean at night and stick them right into their sleeping bag. Nevermind how dirty they get during the day, just so long as they get clean before bed.

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