Family Portrait

This is our first family portrait after the baby was born. He made this one just a couple weeks after we had Shell.

Jackson is quite the artist lately! I’ve been very impressed by his art work lately.

Here is his latest drawing:

Can you tell what those are? Its two of these…

Not too shabby, eh?

He’s been very busy creating lately. He loves to make maps. There’s always an X to mark the spot, and when its finished we go out and have quite an adventure getting to where it tells us to go! It seems we always have to fight off some bad guys, watch out for the crocodiles, and go through a cave or tunnel to get to the right place! Its pretty entertaining to watch his imagination go.

Shelly has been smiling like crazy! I haven’t gotten too many pictures because the camera is just not her favorite thing. Here are my most recent attempts:

Today Lacey was playing with her and she smiled for her several times – Finally! Lacey’s been dying to make her Shell happy. She still comes up to Shell and says “baby’s so coot!” We love our Shelly girl! She’s a cute and sweet girl!

And here’s our “Fancy Nancy” that’s been hanging around lately

She asks for her Minnie dress everyday and cries if its in the washer or dryer. She loves her accessories… she wears her bright pink and orange square “watch-thing” (watch) almost always (it must have fallen off for a second during this picture). It really completes the outfit.

I love the fun personalities that children come with.

Finally… Jackson has been watching me put this post together and requested to type his own name, so without any help from mom, here it is:


7 thoughts on “Family Portrait

  1. Awesome drawings. I knew what the cars were before I scrolled down and saw the real thing! So glad Miss Lacey loves her Minnie outfit. That Shell is quite the cute smiler. Fun Kids!

  2. Sarah your kids are so cute and I love the drawings, they’re pretty great!

    To answer your question about the bows they are super easy to make and I’ve just started that, but if you want to buy them I would go to Ribbons and Lace on Lindsey and Main (you are in AZ again, right?) or search under “Crochet headband” on ebay. I just got headbands there for about 40 cents each and they had tons of auctions with bows and flowers too- lots for super cheap! After you find some put some pics up, too! 🙂

  3. Fun to check up on you guys! Jackson really is a good artist! Back when you posted about Jackson’s bday I let Keilah watch the video of him hitting the baseball and she loved it. I think she watched it 6 or 7 times. She misses Jackson. Lacy and Brea are so similar with the wanting to wear dresses all the time and be little fancy nancy’s.

  4. Fun pictures sadie. That little lacey should come on over for a regular ole fancy nancy party. love you

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