End of School, Concerts, Recitals

Wow – how did this school year end so quickly? I haven’t been great at journaling or keeping up with the blog lately. I hate that, because that means there are so many precious and hilarious times that I’ve missed documenting, especially with my little Autumn growing up so much. I’ll try to catch up a little, but it just won’t be the same. I’ve got to be better 🙂

So in May we had Jackson’s Let’s Play Music recital. He was chosen to play “I’m An Indian” and “Tingalayo.” He practiced so hard for those two pieces and he did a great job… and still plays them very well!

Jackson had a great teacher this year. I was so grateful Ms. Warren was his teacher. She was exactly what Jackson needed this year. She related to him and made him feel comfortable so he was able learn. I’m excited to see who his teacher is next year and hope his progress will sky rocket.

Jackson played spring ball with our Town league and Micah was the coach so it was a great season! Price was on the team and Chip was the assistant coach so it was especially fun! He learned a lot and did pretty well. The team was great and the parents were great too.

Lacey had a great preschool year. She loves to please her teacher. Ms. Judy was fabulous for her this year. She’s very kind and patient and loved Lacey’s personality. I have seen Lacey mature a lot. She had to work through a few little friend problems and has become much more confident. I love Lacey’s cute little giggle. It is her signature – this girl loves to laugh and be silly, and I love that about her. She is either so excited about life/ experiences in life, or she just doesn’t want to do them. period.  There’s not much gray area in her life. Her last day of school was may 2nd. Her teacher had a lot going on in her life. Her oldest son went off to college at the beginning of the school year. He received his mission call near the end of the school year and was leaving in the middle or end of May. Her father also passed away in the last week or two of school. Lacey and I were trying to think of something we could do for her. She was so sweet and wanted to give her a necklace with two hearts, just like a friend of mine had given her when Papa passed away. We did and it was so sweet that Lacey could explain the significance of it to her. Kindergarten here we come!

Lacey had a Gymnastics recital in June. It was hilarious and cute. I think Micah posted a video about it a while back. She participated in gymnastics with Anna, and they had such a great time together. Michelle and I were cracking up. They had a dress rehearsal and pictures the week before the recital. All the girls were dressed and hair/makeup done nicely. They took a group photo and then they took individual shots. They had the girls line up and one at a time strike a pose, a pose of their choice. Almost every single one of them twisted or crossed their legs and looked like they needed to go to the bathroom. It was hilarious to see all these 5 yr old girls doing their best poses. I could hardly contain my laughter… maybe it had been a stressful week preparing for girls camp or something, but it was one of those days that I couldn’t quit laughing. I had to leave the room it was so funny. I’ve chosen a few of my faves. These are previews from the photographer’s website:

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Chelle had a little dance recital earlier in the semester. She was in a town tap ballet and tumble class and it was perfect for her.  The teacher is awesome, and they learn a cute little tap dance and a few positions for ballet, and some somersaults and “tumbling-type moves. She is dying to do preschool this coming school year, but I don’t know if it will work out. She is such a funny, sweet, demanding little thing.

Autumn is growing and growing of course. She understands most things we say and can do so much now. 2 is coming fast. I think she may have started her terrible 2’s a little early. She’s climbing on everything now and can reach whatever she wants. She is so fun but also screams a high pitched scream when she doesn’t get or can’t communicate what she wants/needs. All the kids love to entertain her. There is nothing better than a baby/toddler laugh and they will do just about anything for it.

Its been a great start to the summer.