Camera Love

Here are some of our latest pictures of our little guy. He loves to make funny faces and then see himself on the computer screen. He’s 18 months now and at his appointment yesterday he was in the top 95% for height and head size and 75% for weight. He’s so great.
Anyway, last night we had our block party – it went pretty well, except the road blocks we got from the city that we put up didn’t work very well. Several people just decided they were entitled to bypass them even though they didn’t live on the street – and a few people came speeding down the street! So, we decided to move the road blocks over to make it a bit harder for people to get by but, near the end of the party, a police officer pulled up and said they had a complaint about us blocking the road off. He said I needed a permit, but when he found out it was a street “get to know your neighbors” block party and that we had several little kids he said he would leave the road blocks up and told me he was totally in favor of what we were doing! Kinda funny – last year we invited a police officer to our block party, and blocked off the road, and I never heard from the city or from the police officer that I needed a permit! Oh well, we were happy it turned out fine and we’ll get the permit for next year (if we’re here)!

4 thoughts on “Camera Love

  1. What a camera ham. He is such a beautiful little boy. But I guess you know that 🙂
    The block party sounds fun. Did everyone come? Was it potluck or did you BBQ? I have often thought we should have a block party, since most of our neighbors have been our neighbors for almost 20 yrs.

  2. The block party was good. About half of the street came this time. They all enjoyed it. Some of the people have lived here for 20+ years and several people have lived here for less than 2 years, including us. It is a good chance to get to know everyone. It was taco salad potluck this year. We assigned different toppings to different people and dessert. We met on the lawn of a house in about the middle of the street, set up some chairs, had a prayer, made a phone list for everyone to take and just ate and chatted.
    You should do it. It is a good thing.

  3. Cute Kid!! Sounds cool. We have block parties all the time with the residents and their families. We have an annual pig roast where we did a pit, marinate a pig, and cook it overnight. The following morning we pull the pork and have a big picnic/party. You should consider doing a pig at your next party. I can give you instructions.

  4. Sara,
    I finally found your blog (Thanks to Lisa’s)! It was good to see your comment on ours! Glad to see you are doing well and your little guy is SO big!! Wow!
    Take care and keep in touch!

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