Any day now!

40 weeks! She’s gonna blow! We were scheduled for a C-section on the 5th but Sarah decided she wants to go into labor and try VBAC. We rescheduled the C-section for this next Thursday so please pray she goes into labor before then. Tonight or tomorrow would be great. Oh and the picture above isn’t real. I photoshopped it a little for fun. Here is the real one.

In other news… our home in Riverton is no longer under contract. The buyer didn’t qualify for her loan. We’re back on the market and dropping the price yet again. So pray for that too. I just got called to be the 1st counselor in the YM presidency/Varsity Scout leader. I think because I work on video games they think I’ll relate to teenagers very well. We’ve already had two people in the ward tell us they’re huge fans of Stargate and that they’re excited that I’m working on the Stargate Worlds video game. I don’t think I’ve talked much about my new job. My company is working on an online computer game based on a SciFi show called Stargate. There are millions of Stargate fans all over the world who are very excited. I got the job even though I had never seen the show and didn’t play very many video games. I’ll have to tell you more about it later. We’re off to play with cousins at Sarah’s parents.

5 thoughts on “Any day now!

  1. we’ve been thinking of you a lot the last few days…glad for the update on sarah and the baby…we’ll pray for some time soon labor and a great delivery!

  2. Praying that labor comes quickly and all goes well. Good luck!
    Sorry to hear about your house in R – hope that works out somehow too.

  3. OK seriously that 1st pic threw me for a loop. Sarah, you look so good! Good luck w/ everything!
    Remember me? Jen Ray (Nicoll)

  4. Ha ha. When I saw the first pic I was like holy cow! I thought she was only having 1 baby! There must be triplets in there or something.

  5. Holy Cow – that first pic had me panicked. She looked about like Megan does, or Emily with the twins. So, so sorry about yur UT house. Guess I will keep you on that prayer list. Sarah is still on the list. Time for Castor Oil?
    Congrats on the calling – yu’ll be gr8.

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