I hope everyone enjoyed conference. It was definitely a different tone without President Hinckley but I think we can get used to it. Change is inevitable and thankfully there are plenty of good men in the church to take charge and move the church forward.

I fell asleep during the last session and Sarah told me Elder Ballard said I need to give her a day off but I think she is making that up. I will have to check that one out.

As a safety measure and so we can feel okay sharing personal information here we want to make our blog private. We will invite everyone we have email addresses for but if we don’t have your email address or you’re not sure then please email us at stubblefields+blog@gmail.com We will leave the blog open to everyone for a week to allow everyone to have a chance to email us.

One other item of miscellanea, Since more and more family and friends are blogging I have grown weary of visiting each blog almost daily to check for updates. Especially those of you who never update and I have to see the same post every time I visit. It is convenient to have the list on the side of the blog but still a hassle so I decided to use something called a feed reader and it is amazingly convenient. Here is how it works. There are a lot of readers out there but I chose and recommend google reader because I’m a google guy and you use the same login as blogger, gmail, picasa, etc. So you log into http://www.google.com/reader from there you can add subscriptions by typing in the address of blogs or websites you frequent. I created folders for family, friends, news, fun, lds and such. I subscribed to everyone’s blog and now all I have to do is visit my reader and shows me all unread posts. I can read the post within the reader or visit the actual post. Now that reading blogs is so easy and convenient I decided to subscribe to more blogs. I’m including a screenshot so you can see what I’m talking about. Also, if you start using google feed reader I can add you as a friend and share interesting stuff through the reader.

10 thoughts on “

  1. Ya, I love reader. The only bad part is that it does not subscribe to people’s blogs who go private. So sad.

  2. so i guess i ruined that one. Get everyone excited about readers but you won’t be able to read ours in the reader. 🙁 I’ll figure something out.

  3. It is true – Elder Ballard said for husbands to give their wives a day off. In return you will get a better, more attentive wife.
    On another note, I am thinking we need to make our blog private, as well – especially after the malicious comment posted just minutes after I updated my blog. You might have to talk me through the process.
    I agree about the updates. A suggestion might be for family members to send out an email when their blog has been updated – at least those who do not update on a regular basis – like me!

  4. Of course you will include us in your private blog. I keep going back and forth…but I will probably go private again soon!

  5. Little Lucy is so adorable! I loved the turtle story but did I miss if you get to keep him or not? I am so jealous of your fun family-type home. I hope Sarah is recovering from the c-section. I want to come visit when I get down to AZ, otay? I love how Jackson’s mouth is identical to Sarahs! p.s. I am pregnant and the kids will be 18 or 19 months apart… should I be worried?

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