Google Alerts

Do you ever read a newspaper and skip over several boring articles and advertisments? What if you could know the lastest scoop on things that interest you without having to look for it. They come to you. I was reading a post about how everyone should use Google Alerts. I started doing it and it is pretty helpful. I made an alert for my hometown, school, political party, favorite bands, companies that I’m interested in, my religion, my favorite sports teams and athletes, even myself. Anytime google’s webcrawler finds a new article on any of my alerts it emails me a link to the article. Some of them are web alerts and whenever a new site makes it into the top 20 for that search I’m sent a link to the new site. The guy that told me about it said he has about 250 alerts and he has them sent to his blackberry so he is always ‘updated and in the know’. You can have them sent daily or weekly, you choose for each alert. I must say it is pretty neat. Some of my alerts that are in the news a lot get annoying so I think I’ll delete those. Gmail is nice though to because I can tag all emails from Google Alerts and file them away for when I feel like reading them.

In other news; I got a new digital camera yesterday for my birthday. I asked my wife if I could get one and after convincing her that the vacation time that I didn’t take this summer would pay for it she said it was okay. The camera is awesome! It is a Canon Powershot S2 IS. It takes great pictures and video. I like the lcd screen that can be stored away when not in use. I’ll post a picture of one and you’ll all be jealous. I figure with a baby on the way we need a good camera to take billions of pictures. I plan to make photography a hobbie and maybe one day do engagement pictures or family pictures on the side, who knows.