Jokes by Jackson and Lacey
(Jackson says to me, “This is an easy one mom”) j: How does a swing talk? a: (in a high pitched voice), “Swing, swing, swing!’
j: How does a hair go to a hair? a:They want to break their toys!
j: How does a rhyming thing go to another rhyming thing? a: Because he wanted to be a frog!
j: How does a baby go to another baby? a: Because he wanted to visit the other baby, because he wanted to come in and almost break his couch!
j: Funny Faces!!!
j: Shells go in the water!
We made some sandwiches today and these two sat down to eat and this was part of their conversation. Sometimes I forget to write the funny things down that they say or do, so since I was sitting at the computer I thought I’d take the chance to record some of this. Yet, its not really the jokes that I think are the greatest part of this, the best part (that I just can’t record in writing) is the crazy laughter that comes after each joke!