Baby birds
We had a ton of baby birds in our backyard through out June. They were so cute. We found our firsdt one while hanging a peanut butter birdseed treat out in the back yard. We ended up leaving it on the ground for him to eat. I think he got thirsty though and ended up jumping into the pool. :o( sad. The same happened to the second. I’m not sure what happened to the third, but we didn’t find him in our pool. We left a little bowl of water out for this one hoping to avoid the mishap of the others. Here’s the fourth one.
His feathers were a little more full. He had a brother or sister come help him figure out how to fly. It was precious. He at least made it over the wall.
I’m not sure why we’ve had so many baby birds this year, but the kids loved it!
Hopefully the 3rd one made it out ok.
So sad about the 1st two 🙁
We had a baby bird on our yard, just barely learning to fly & we saved it from our dog. We helped it back over the fence, I’m just glad we saw it when we did.
That is fun for the kids to see those baby birds but sure sad that they had to die.