nozxcAJ or … Jackson

Jackson has been learning his letters really well in preschool this year.  First he could write his name with prompts for each letter.  Now he can write his name from memory and this is what it looks like.  This is how he writes it.  Right to left, J and C are usually backwards and k is always an x. If I try to correct him he always says that his teach told him he could do it like that.  I’m proud of our Big Jackson Boy.  One of my proudest moments was when I sat in to listen to his first prayer in Primary.  He did the whole thing by himself.  I was very surprised because he usually shies away from doing things in front of an audience.  He’s an awesome little sunbeam.

3 thoughts on “nozxcAJ or … Jackson

  1. Being a parent is so awesome. Before you said it was backwards I was like “What is he smoking? That gibberish has nothing to do with his name!” Alas, I was wrong. My little guy wants to go to school so bad. He can’t wait to be big.

  2. I could tell right away what he was writing. He is an awesome little man. His wee sisters will have a wonderful big brother to keep an eye out for them!

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