New Addition

Our family is expanding – in more ways than one. We announced to family this week that we’re expecting our second baby in March 2008! Sarah has been really tired lately and pretty sick as well. She is hanging in there though. It doesn’t make things easier now that Jackson has started having his own opinions is still working on what NO means. He still thinks it means – “Do that again, please.” He’s a cute little boy and very pleasant most of the time but, when he wants to be, he can be a handful.

We also just switched him from the crib to a toddler bed and he has been doing really well. Although he used to sleep in until 8am occasionally but now he wakes up before 6am no matter what time we put him down. I sure hope he grows out of this sleep schedule soon. With all my late nights working on thintopia and bookwormed I’m running low on energy.

3 thoughts on “New Addition

  1. You guys switched Jackson to a toddler bed pretty early. I can’t say for sure that their sleep schedules ever get better though. We switched the twins rather early too and they wake early as well. Good luck with that! 🙂

  2. CONGRATS!!!! I’m so excited for you guys! Sarah, I’ve got to call you and chat. I’m thrilled for you!

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