Happy Birthday to Jackson

Poor Jackson… he’s had pink eye this week, again! Well, this morning he woke up, Micah took him out to breakfast, and after Micah dropped him off and headed out to work he started crying that his ears hurt! It must have been pretty painful – I tried to distract him with making his cake, playing a couple video games, and letting him open presents here and there throughout the morning, but he kept coming back to just wanting to sit with me and get his back scratched. In the last post, there’s a picture of him holding his ears while opening a present. In the other picture he’s sitting on the couch with his blankets and he was mad because I got up to take a picture when he wanted me to be sitting with him (don’t worry I sat down and took good care of him after that). I scheduled a dr’s appt. for him for this afternoon when Micah would be home, and the doctor confirmed that he has a double ear infection! Oh boy! I feel like we’ve been to the doctor about every other day between the kids and I since Rachelle was born… with newborn checks, well checks for the kids, pink eye, ear infections, and the post delivery check ups for me. Lacey has also had a pretty high fever this week. I think the fever broke today, so hopefully tomorrow morning she will be well and we won’t be going to the dr’s office yet again (at least until Tuesday when Jackson has his well check). Thank goodness its so close and they always squeeze us in! The biggest upside to this is that I feel like our doctor finally knows who we are!
Anyway, back to the birthday celebration – Jackson got some clothes and baseball stuff from us and some other fun stuff from grandparents.

He loves the tee/automatic pitcher and is pretty good at it too. We went to the park for a picnic dinner and played some ball.

March is a beautiful time of year here! Then we had a delicious Skor bar cake when we got home – we sang Happy Birthday a couple times and blew out candles several times at Jackson’s request!

Jackson enjoyed several birthday phone calls today and he is so excited to be a big 4 year old. I still think of him as my little boy. I love my Jackson. He is a sweet, loving brother and has such a good heart. He loves to be the big helper. He really, really enjoys primary and preschool and he listens and learns so well in both. It has been so fun to see the ways he’s matured this year. Happy Birthday Jackson!

2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to Jackson

  1. I can’t believe the kid can hit the balls from the pitching machine. He is such a natural athlete. Micah ought to take him to watch a spring training session ( or have they ended?). Happy Birthday, Jackson – you are a such a great kid!

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